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how to switch to google analytics 4

How to Switch to Google Analytics 4

This is a time of uncertainty for teams that have not yet set up a parallel implementation of GA4 alongside UA. It is a time of great pressure for those teams that still need to build the reports based on GA4’s data streams. Determining how to switch to Google Analytics 4 is not a trivial task. It requires time, resources, and careful planning. And no, you probably shouldn’t make the transition using Google’s Setup Assistant!

Take a small peek at the past and understand what the future holds with e-CENS’ very own Holger Tempel.

Holger Tempel

Holger Tempel

Holger is among the first Google Analytics partners worldwide since early 2005. Holger is considered one of the leading experts on digital analytics and is a renowned trainer who can simplify complex ideas into real-world practical examples with actionable insights.

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